Thursday, January 20, 2011

What a way to kick off our fundraising efforts!

Team members Elizabeth Sullivan and Allison Haymes, our first two fundraisers, have jumpstarted our team's fundraising, having raised over $1,000 in the past six hours!! What a way to kick off fundraising efforts for this team! :)

Running or walking to send grieving children to Comfort Zone Camp

This is going to be an INCREDIBLE team.  We can just feel it.  There is so much energy surrounding the Ukrop's Monument Ave. 10K and 1-mile Kid's Run already, and recruiting a team of passionate Comfort Zone Camp volunteers, campers, parents, staff and supporters to run or walk the races is going to be an amazing combination.  

Our goal is to raise $50,000 to help cover the costs of an entire weekend camp for grieving children at CZC.  Join the team and run or walk the 10K or 1-mile Kid's Run.  If you can't participate, please consider coming out to support the team on race day- we will have a CZC Cheer Zone along the course.  Pledge to raise $500 or more to send a child to camp.  Do something extraordinary and accomplish great things for yourself and for CZC!

Maggie, Julie and Allison
CZC 10K Coordinating Committee